Ready for your first year of college? Before you mentally prepare to pack your belongings, take this important first step this summer!
All in Dear High School Graduate
Ready for your first year of college? Before you mentally prepare to pack your belongings, take this important first step this summer!
Frustrated by the textbook searching process? Discover when you should start your search, how you can figure out which textbooks you need, and where to find them!
What questions should you ask a potential college roommate? You don’t want to be too snoopy but also want to know what you’re getting yourself into. Share these 3 things before college starts!
What screams “I am a freshman”? Learn how you can avoid the college freshman stereotype by refusing to adopt these 5 behaviors.
How many credits is too many credits? Discover how many credit hours help you be a success. Think through these factors before registering for your classes!
Do you feel busy and bored this summer? Managing your downtime can be difficult, especially during the summer break before college. Invest your time in these 4 areas!
Preparing for college starts now! Don’t wait until stepping on campus to get ready for a successful school year. Top high school graduates accomplish these 6 tasks before college begins.
How can you prepare for your first college student orientation? Dr. Jessica Smith shares 10 practical tips that will help you make the most of your orientation experience.
What are the must-have items for college? You will not want to arrive to college without these items. Start college with no regrets and these 14 things!
Your summer break isn’t full of free time. Why? Free time doesn’t exist. Using your time well is an important skill you can develop before college!
Do you know how to do these 11 things? Knowing how to do these things before attending college will help you start ahead from others. Prepare for college by mastering these 11 skills!
Feeling a mix of emotions about graduating from high school? Every high school graduate realizes these 4 things after graduation.
Are you lying to yourself? Refuse to let these 4 other lies penetrate your thinking. Prepare for college by combating these easily-believed lies!
Congratulations! You’re graduating from high school, and you’re headed for college. Start your journey to college on the right foot by combatting these 6 lies.