Your freshman is experiencing so much change, but so are you. Letting go of your child is difficult. Knowing how to navigate your relationship now may be new territory for you. Try investing in your college freshman’s life in these 5 ways.
Your freshman is experiencing so much change, but so are you. Letting go of your child is difficult. Knowing how to navigate your relationship now may be new territory for you. Try investing in your college freshman’s life in these 5 ways.
You know time management is not your thing. Now that you’re in college your lack of organization is killing your grades. Try these 4 tips to conquer your crazy college schedule!
After dropping off your college freshman, your child may be great at communicating for a month or so. But as the semester continues, your college freshman calls less and less. Your child may not be calling home for these 4 reasons.
Studying for your first college test can be intimidating. You may feel overwhelmed and bewildered. But don’t panic! Follow these 4 simple study tips and conquer each college test.
You want to jump in and fix that problem. But what is this teaching your college freshman? After you solve the current problem, what happens the next time a problem occurs? Consider these 3 realities when considering how to help your college freshman handle problems.
Even with nice roommates, you may find yourself feeling frustrated. No one thing is a big deal. But living in a small room with other people is more difficult than you thought it would be. Avoid the drama by preventing conflicts before they start.
Your college freshman is not a mind-reader. He won’t know you expect him to call weekly unless you tell him. She won’t know you expect her to find a part-time job unless you tell her. Communicating your expectations to your college freshman can eliminate needless frustration.
You arrived to college knowing literally 1 person: yourself. You find yourself arriving to class right before it begins. You avoid eye contact on the sidewalk. And you do these things to avoid awkward interactions with strangers. Making new friends can be difficult. Try using these 4 simple steps.
Your college professors are nothing like your beloved elementary school teacher. They don’t seem friendly or helpful. Why is your professor so scary? Before hastily judging your professor, consider these 5 insights into the life and duties of your college professors.
Why does your college professor use a syllabus? What even is a syllabus? What happens if you lose it? This blog post answers all these questions and provides helpful tips for using your college syllabus.
No matter how much you planned for this you still don’t feel prepared. Your first week of freshmen college classes are here. Here are 3 simple tips to help you feel confident and prepared as you head into this brand new experience called college.
What is a budget? Should a college freshman get a credit card? How do you pay tuition bills? What is FAFSA? Your college freshman may be fairly clueless when it comes to finances. You don’t expect him to be an expert. But you would like her to understand these 5 financial facts.
Your college freshman might be experiencing some college culture shock. Being alone with unprecedented freedom is a whole new experience. Even the most equipped student will face some of these 5 experiences within the first month of college.